︎Wankeli, Longcheng Plaza, Longgang District, Shenzhen


Based on the limited light points on the facade of the building, in order to present the best visual effect, we decided to take the form of black and white silhouettes, with only a few colors appearing in some of the main screens, highlighting the graphic outline to drive the development of the storyline.

Visual content

After several meetings with our client and understanding their needs, I attempted to draw some of the scripts on my iPad and test it on the building  facade.

I combined regional elements from Longgang, such as the century-old Hakka walled houses, with humanistic landscapes, such the MiDi Music Festival and the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University campus, in the first part of the video. In the second half of the clip, the walking charactor comes across with the Covid virus while moving forward and employs kung fu to kick it away. The vaccination then descends from the sky and drives away all viruses.

At the request of our client, the Urban Administration Office of the People’s Government of Longgang District, the blessing is then played.


reference of Longgang local century-old Hakka walled houses 

Project Background

Wankeli Longcheng Plaza is located in the new city center of Longgang central city. It is adjacent to the Longgang District Cultural Center, Youth Palace, Book City and Science Center, and opposite to the Longgang District Government, which is positioned as a regional commercial center area. The surrounding area is planned to be the new residential area of Longgang Central City, with a resident population of 400,000 in the core business district.

We accepted a commission from the Urban Administration Office of the People’s Government of Longgang District to carry out a series of public art projects for its month-long July 1st celebration at this very location.

photos I took on the square during the field test