Run Write Shake

︎ YYCAC,guangzhou,China


In 2013, Guangzhou Live was back again with its 4th edition. If the curatorial theme of 2012 Guangzhou Live was Body and Mind in Time, this year the Guangzhou Live will explore the notion of the Action of Meaning, following Zhuang Tzu’s phrase “Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?”

This time I am cooperating with the performance artist Dirk Jan Jarger (Netherlands) and other 12 students also from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art as participants. Most of the participants of this performance are students come from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Not only students of oil painting, but also students of experimental art department and industrial design department are also invited.

Before the formal performance we held two meetings to ensure the performance would be presented best. During the first meeting, almost every participant had a talk with Dirk, make sure all our participants are able to communicate with in English, and the main point, we received the instruction from Dirk that he wanted us to use body language to express performances of three themes --Run, Write, Shake.

After the meeting, we also found a problem that fluorescent pigment we needed to use in the second part Write was not enough for twelve people, but luckily the organizer later solved this problem.

Having the second meeting at backstage in YYCAC
Having the second meeting at backstage in YYCAC

As the stage of the performance, it will be in the YYCAC. The YYCAC (YouYou Contemporary Art Centre) is located in the former official ceremony and meeting hall of the Xiaozhou village. 
Its history and use is still present through quotations of Mao Zedong on its walls. It is a venue with a strong historical heritage having witnessed the evolution of New China since the building was constructed in 1959.

On the day of the formal performances, November 13th, under the lead of Dirk Jan Jarger, we archived the performance named “Run Write Shake" which lasted for about ninety minutes . Together we run, we walked, we lying on the floor to explore the limit of our being among the space we were in. A Chinese sentence "文化差异是个屁" (Culture gap is bullshit) even been wrote down in fluorescent pigments on the body of our participant .

Leading Artist Dirk Jan Jarger (on the right) on performance, Run Write Shake, 2013


As part of a warm-up, all participants carry out the order from one person among them, for example, held legs over head or all participants run to one particular direction. For better surroundings and quicker to poured ourselves in, Dirk invited a local DJ to help warming up the atmosphere. It was the part that all of us successfully grab the audiences’ attention.

The warming up part, Run Write Shake, 2013


All participants were being managed as groups of two individuals; fluorescent pigments are used to write in Chinese or English words on each other’s body. Sentences or words were random, freely written by participants. It was no limited what to express, for instance, your mood at the moment, political opinions, favorite poems, or any lyric of a song .In order to highlight the effect of the fluorescent pigment; the organizer specially placed a few pieces of black light lamp around the hall.

The writing part is in progress, Run Write Shake, 2013

One participant writing on my body, Run Write Shake,2013


Two people as a group, one must completely repeat the same actions as other person. In the Hall all participants just walked, danced, or run wherever they liked to. It always a little delays of copying the other’s action, even though just to postpone half a second. We are not programed robot after all, for acting in the same step; we have been trying to act slowly in order to catch up the movements. We did all actions that just occurred to mind, together explore the relationship of body and surrounding space. To me, I did the Chinese traditional worship gesture; me and my partner event walked out the hall and turn a big round.

When it came to the end, all of us lined as a circle and dance, almost twelve people were in the same move.

I was doing Chinese traditional worship gesture, Run Write Shake, 2013

Bridge my hands with other participant, Run Write Shake, 2013

At the third part Shake, with intent to repeat the action, Run Write Shake, 2013

At the third part Shake, Run Write Shake, 2013

This performance was relatively a large group performance; a lot of the villagers of Xiaozhou village came to watch the live excitedly. At the end of performances, all participants, including our initiator Dirk, wiped the fluorescent pigments with towels for each other. Through this performance I used my body as a ruler to measure and discover a new way to make use of this hall (maybe most of visitors don’t lay on the floor to feel the space around).

Also, when I were doing different actions with my partner, I felt like I were the Ying, and the hall was the Yang. When you urge to explore the space you were in, perhaps impossible, because you were already been a part of it and had no way to see it as an outsider anymore.