curr3nt 3nt3r1ng th3 5ea
fabric installations+audio+augmented reality(AR) spaces
Saudi Arabia
Project supported by Misk Art Residencies Masaha Programme
Curr3nt 3nt3r1ng th3 5ea (current entering the sea) explores the phenomenon of modifed digit languages such as leet, algospeak, and hex binary code. OuYangs work reflects her exposure to digital language evolution in China, while notin the global occurrence of new communication methods. Language, like flowing water, perpetually moves and surges forward, bypassing obstacle through its natural course. OuYang's use of Chinese local cartography acts as a visual analogy of human resilience, drawing parallels between the evolving
landscape and humanitys evolving methods of communication.This project manifests throug fabric installations, audio, and augmented reality (AR) spaces. Audiences are invited to engage with the coded words generated through anonymous crowd sourced data.
Project Collaborators
AR Production: Maria Paneta
Screen Printing: Fatma Abdulhadi, Sarah Alsumari, and Bilal Ahmad

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